Good morning! As I told you yesterday, at night we celebrated the Fashion Night Out 2013. I love going out this day to go to the shops more relaxed knowing can stay up late and to take advantage of special deals each site. It is also great to hear down the street at every step music and bustle and experience the atmosphere. I, before going to the center, was taking a snack close to home and then we started the round of shops in the center :)
I did not buy much because I'm saving for next week for our loved sales (L) (L) (L) But we danced with every song that sounded and took advantage to have a dinner in one of our favorite Italian restaurants.
And this is the look I chose, initially I wanted to wear heels but I preferred to go comfortably to enjoy the evening.
I leave you with the photos! Pass a great saturday.
Thanks for your comments
Buenos días!!! Como ya os comenté ayer, por la noche se celebraba la Fashion Night Out 2013. Me encanta salir este día para ir más relajada a las tiendas sabiendo que puedes estar hasta tarde y para aprovechar las ofertas especiales de cada sitio. Además es genial escuchar por la calle a cada paso música y bullicio y vivir el ambiente. Yo, antes de ir al centro, estuve tomando algo cerca de casa y después empezamos la ronda de tiendas en el centro :)
No compré mucho porque me estoy reservando para la semana que viene que llegan nuestras amadas rebajas (L) (L) (L) Pero si bailamos todas las canciones que sonaban :) fuimos fichando artículos y aprovechamos para cenar en uno de nuestros restaurantes italianos preferidos.
Y este es el outfit con el que salí, en un principio pensé en llevar zapatos de tacón pero preferí ir cómoda con estas bailarinas plateadas para disfrutar el máximo la tarde-noche de shopping!
Os dejo con las fotos! Pasad un sábado genial ;)

Local Store(SS13)
17 comentarios:
Such a great global event! I bet there were some great deals! look great <3
Thank you for your comment:)
I like your blog too! If you want we can follow each other, my answer is yes:))
Kisses from Germany- Anna:)
Very Nice. . .
Me encanta tu look super comodo y chic !
XX Luba
Únete a nuestro movimiento positivo y gana una camiseta de algodón orgánico de Etrala London
Un post ideal,me encanta el ambiente que se crea en un evento asi y tu como siempre preciosa.Besos guapa
You look awesome I love your trousers x
great outfit! ;)
we follow you ^_^
very nice pics! u look great
great event, love the pics!
You look beautiful!
Love the silver accents!
Of course, following u:)
Kisses x
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Followed back pretty! on gfc nr 1473 =) if you like we can follow also twitter, facebook and bloglovin? if you like tell <3
What a cool post. You got really cool pics and a stunning style! I love your white top. It looks good on you :D
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great look
love your clutch
Cool pics and love your blouse!!
Great post!
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Evi xoxo
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Evi xoxo
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